Today’s guest publish is from the most impressive runner I’ve ever satisfied in person. I satisfied Janae from hungry Runner woman this summertime as well as she is ridiculously sweet, funny, adorable as well as FAST! Her marathon pr is 3:04. That’s like genuine life magic. So, I’m taking notes on this guest publish – I requirement all the assist I can get!
1. أين هو موقعك المفضل لتشغيله؟
أحدث مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بي
Travel Jane Review
Travel Jane portable urinal review.
فيديوهات اكثر
0 seconds of 8 minutes, 1 second
كتاب غير تقليدي وكذلك تقييم Netflix
My preferred location in the whole wide world to run is up Provo canyon (Utah) during the fall. The path goes along the river as well as the mountains that surround you are breathtaking. Plus, the method back is always fun since it is ALL down hill.
2. ما هو الشيء المفضل لديك لتناول الطعام بعد الجري؟
Pizza as well as pizza with a side of ice cream. Oh, as well as exactly how might I fail to remember my cherished chocolate milk…I crave it my whole run.
3. ما هي القطعة المفضلة لديك من معدات الجري؟
I truly don’t keep in mind ever running without my Garmin (maybe I blocked it out of my memory since I can’t envision life without it again). It is a significant motivator for me to speed up when I am being lazy or to remind me to sluggish down on simple days. Plus, it is fun to see exactly how you enhance over time as well as to see your progress.
4. قم بتسمية السباق رقم 1 الذي تحلم بالركض …
Boston. I was supposed to run it last year however lame injuries stopped me. I will get there someday as well as it will be the very best race ever.
5. ما هو السباق الذي ركضته هو المفضل لديك؟
I liked running top of Utah Marathon. It was the perfect time of year (Fall in Utah truly is incredible), the race was extremely organized as well as I just felt great that day…..which most likely has a significant reason why I liked that race so much. Clearly, I looked genuine great as well
6. ما هي النغمة المفضلة لديك للتشغيل إليها؟
Don’t make fun of me however it has to be anything by Eminem, Linkin Park or a tune called ‘All I ever Wanted’ by Basshunters….the beat is perfect for the running cadence I want to hit.
Thanks Janae!!! I cannot wait to watch you get a sub 3. It will be epic. No pressure.
أرسل لي المصنف
المشاركة تعنى الاهتمام!
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